Instead of trying so desperately to satisfy every inflated, yuletide expectation, perhaps we can alleviate holiday stress by redefining what is really important during this time of year.
Emphasize presence, not presents:
Whatever holiday you happen to celebrate in December, it is likely you pressure yourself to buy a gift for every friend, family member, neighbor and colleague. This is a strain on your wallet, and dwindling money can be stressful on its own. Add that to the strain of choosing, shopping, wrapping, shipping or delivering and you could end up a shopping zombie on autopilot.
Instead of focusing on why you give gifts, this tireless hunt for a mass quantity of stuff will force you to focus only on the gifts themselves. Take a breath. Step back from the mall and put your wallet away.
Be present in the holiday season, and think about the glowing, warm feelings of generosity that drive you to give to your loved ones. Reduce stress in this area by reminding yourself that you do not have a quota to fill. Give love before stuff, offer experiences and togetherness before a gift card and wrap your arms around your family before wrapping up a bunch of boxes.
Also, please remember those charities that take care of basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter for those in need. We can touch many in so many ways.