“Grieving Mothers-Grieving Women and Men”
A workshop offering a beautiful healing experience
for women “AND MEN” that have experienced loss.
You will benefit from this workshop whether your loss is recent or years ago. This day will offer helpful insights, sharing, caring, comfort, surrender, validation, healing, renewal, and ceremony.
This is for women and men who have endured the loss of a child (children) due to accidents, suicide, overdose, murder, stillborn, miscarriage, SIDS, abortion, etc., or women and men with other family losses.
Women and men will be grouped together by similar losses: children, spouses, significant others, mothers, fathers, grandchildren, siblings, families, friends, etc.
Sign up now by calling 734-420-2935
$189 or $169 for early registration by May 17th. (VENMO, ZELLE and CREDIT CARDS taken)
A WAY TO GIVE BACK… Do you know someone that could benefit?
You can gift the workshop for $159 or sponsor another anonymously.
Facilitated by Donna Marie, MA
Clinical and Humanistic Psychology
Stress Consultant – Counselor – Speaker
. . . and bereaved mother
FAQ’S “Grieving Mothers-Grieving Women” A Workshop for Men and Women
Is this workshop for women only?
No, men are also welcome. This is an opportunity for men to explore thoughts and feelings without judgement.
How do I sign up?
Contact us at https://dealwithstresstoday.com/contact-us/ and you will receive an email
link/invoice to easily pay on line. Earlybird tuition is $169 before May 17th, thereafter $189.
Sponsoring another attendee is $159. Proceeds of this event will benefit the Bereaved Parents
Other forms of payment available?
Venmo, Zelle, credit cards, cash, check by contacting us at https://dealwithstresstoday.com/contact-us/
What is the sponsorship/scholarship? Often others (individuals or businesses) wish to send someone and pay a person’s tuition, or they donate anonymously to anyone who needs it, as a gift of kindness. A sponsorship is $159. Contact us here for your sponsorship payment link at https://dealwithstresstoday.com/contact-us/
How is this workshop different? Rather than lecture, this workshop is designed to be experiential, including ceremony and intimate conversations, which in conjunction with Donna Marie’s knowledge and compassion, brings insights, soothes the soul, and provides validation of the personal encounter with loss of our loved ones and the resulting grief. Beautiful music is utilized throughout the day.
Other info? Dress comfy / casual. This is a full-day workshop. Arrive at 9:00am to check-in. Workshop starts 9:30am and ends approximately 6pm. Coffee and tea are included. Lunch on your own. Please feel free to text me with any additional questions. 248-496-3132
“Donna started out as my instructor at college and became so much more. Her grief workshop helped me in ways I didn’t think I could be helped. I no longer cry on my daughter’s birthday or when I see pictures of her. I finally found peace in her life as well as my life. I would recommend her workshop to anyone who has ever experienced any sadness whether it be from a death, an adoption, an abortion, a life they once lived, etc. I can finally say “I am happy!” Every day is a healing journey but Donna helps you to realize you have the tools within yourself to heal and that you’re deserving of peace and love.”
Tonni“I feel loved and forgiven by my lost loved one. This is a beautiful foundation for ongoing healing. Everything was just great!”
Amanda“It helps me to know that people I don’t even know care about me and other and it was nice to not be alone in my pain today. Thank you to everyone who helped me with my grief and loss.”
Natasha“Donna helped me realize things I didn’t even realize I was grieving for. What a great workshop. Thank you!”
Ann“Losing my only sister earlier this year was shocking and hurtful. I felt alone and abandon. I’ve walked around feeling sad but not willing to express my sadness. This workshop has allowed for me to release.”
Kim“The process, information, intimate and safe environment was an excellent atmosphere to experience feelings involved with loss and to explore methods for dealing with grief. I felt lighter, more positive and able to handle my loss.”
Kerry“I couldn’t be more thank for today. I never would have let myself feel those emotions without this workshop. I just knew I needed this.”
Tonya“I loved every aspect. Especially the chance to dance and laugh at a “Grief” workshop. Very uplifting. Thank you so much to the sponsors. You have reached out to your fellow man at their time of deepest need.”
Brenda“The workshop was amazing, it took a while to get me to cry but when the break through came, I really understood “why” I came. Thank you so much for this. It really means a lot! “
Karen“It most certainly helped me to understand a lot of what I was feeling was that it was okay to feel the way I did. An enlightening day!”